27th of March, 2024

The story of creation is the story of a Father’s love for His Son.
The Father loves His Son and wants only good things for Him.
More than anything, the Father wants His Son to have a good Bride.
A suitable companion. A comparable helper.
And so He created the Earth.
And He placed a veil of darkness over Her.
She would remain veiled until Her wedding, when the Father will reveal Her to His Son.
A perfect Bride, without spot or blemish.
But She wasn’t ready yet.
It would take a long time.
To help Her remember who She was, the Father placed signs in the heavens.
When She lifted Her head, She would be reminded of the Father’s good plan for Her.
The Sun, a sign of the everlasting Father Himself, who alone dwells in unapproachable light.
The Earth, a sign of His Son, who trusts the Father and does His will.
The Moon, a sign of the Bride, taken from the side of Her Betrothed.
She circles Him, because He is the centre of Her universe.
She always keeps her face turned towards Him because She cannot bear to look away.
How She longs for Him. It’s been so long.
And how He longs for Her.
When She is full, He is filled with joy as He gazes upon Her lovely face.
When She is new, He misses Her radiance. But He knows She will soon return.
And His heart will be filled with gladness again.
Sometimes He gets between Her and His Father, and He is reminded of the price He paid for Her.

His own blood.
Sometimes she moves between His Father and Himself, and He is reminded that one day He will leave His Father to be with Her.

How he yearns to place that ring on the finger of His Beloved.
But He must be patient.
He must be content with the occasional soft touch of Her shadow, as she reaches out to Him.
As she silently passes by.

So close, yet so far.
Together, but unable to embrace.
He is comforted because He knows the wait is almost over.
And so does She.
In 2009 we saw, for the first time ever, a solar eclipse from the moon.

As the moon is bathed in the blood of Her Beloved, She bows Her head in shame.
Shame because She knows it’s Her fault He had to die.
She doesn’t deserve Him.
With tear filled eyes She raises Her gaze.
And sees Him holding out to Her a ring of such multi-coloured brilliance, made from the light of a thousand sunrises and sunsets.
And with the blessings of a Father who sees Her and declares, indeed, She is Very Good.
See Also:
Finding Eden — The truth has been staring us in the face the whole time.
The Seventy Weeks of Daniel are Almost Over — We were all wrong. What we were waiting for has come and gone and no-one noticed!