About the Author
I won’t talk much about myself here as the messenger is not important, only the message. But for those who are interested, here he is a brief bio and some background on the writing of the books that you will find on this site.
I live on the east coast of Australia, between Sydney and Brisbane, with my wife and our young daughter. I have an Honours degree in computer science and have been involved in website and web application development for most of my career, which is now over 25 years. I also have a Masters degree by research and have published in both conference proceedings and academic journals.
My faith in God was sown at a young age and it has never left me. I have always had a particular interest in prophecy and eschatology (study of the end times) and was among those waiting for the rapture to occur in 1988! Although it didn’t happen then, I continued to believe in a pre-tribulation “imminent” rapture for another two decades—until I started to seriously research this topic for myself. I independently arrived at a form of the “pre-wrath” view of the rapture (although one that is somewhat different from the classical view) long before I discovered that such a view already existed.
Despite having been a believer for over 30 years it was not until the middle of 2016 that the Holy Spirit really opened my eyes and began to show me details and patterns in the Bible that I had never been aware of before. It was almost as if overnight I went from reading the Bible in black and white to reading it in full and vibrant colour.
Three years and 777 pages later the book Delivered From Delusion was born. Writing a book of such magnitude was a monumental task, and it was not as if God simply gave me the words to write. No, it required much research, great perseverance, and ongoing soul-searching, particularly as I had to relinquish many cherished and long-held beliefs along the way as I came to the realisation that they were false.
Writing this book has been as much a learning experience for me as I hope reading it will be for you! I began some chapters with no idea of what I was going to write but with a sense of excitement and anticipation at the discoveries which lay ahead. With other chapters, I thought I knew what I wanted to say already but as I proceeded I found that when I really examined the scriptures they told a different story, and I had to then go back and revise both my words and my beliefs.
I do not have the benefit of a formal Biblical education, and while I do acknowledge that there are some positives to having one, it also comes with the enormous downside of instilling in you other people’s beliefs—beliefs which are not necessarily correct but which can be extremely difficult to cast off. I believe my background makes me ideally suited to writing books such as these as I do challenge many traditional interpretations in them, something that would have beeen much more difficult had I had formal Bible training.
I believe that Yeshua (Jesus) was God manifested in flesh and that only by entering into a covenant relationship with Him can we be saved. I believe He will soon be returning for His faithful bride. I believe the scriptures are the inspired word of God and that all other sources of information must defer to them. As such, I focus almost exclusively on what the Bible teaches in my books and only refer to non-Biblical sources occasionally. God’s word is light, but if we allow ourselves to be lured away from that light we risk becoming hopelessly lost in the surrounding darkness.
In addition to Delivered From Delusion, I am working on a series of other books which will be based on it but have a narrower focus and will therefore be shorter and easier to read. The first two of these, The Forgotten Eighth Day and What to Watch For, are already published; and there are a couple more still to come. Also, this website has a number of articles that cover—and in some cases expand on—various topics in the books, which I hope will be of interest. I will continue adding articles as time permits.
All the signs indicate that the end of this present age of grace is quickly approaching, and when it ends the marvellous gift of salvation we have been offered will no longer be available. Before that happens, there is going to be a great delusion and a massive falling away from the faith, but there is also going to be a great harvest. It is my hope that by alerting readers to what’s coming now, when this delusion does envelop the world you will be better prepared to stand firm against it and to “be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).